Anthony Costa
Blue singer Anthony may have narrowly avoided bankruptcy, but being reduced to homelessness and forced to live on a £45 per week allowance is pretty much as close to bust as it gets. The All Rise singer did not save his money when his band enjoyed the good times. Although things might not be saved following the recent Big Reunion revival – as the band themselves had to end their European tour early due to further financial woes.
Nicolas Cage
A lesson to learn – hire an accountant you can trust. He found himself in trouble with the IRS in the States in 2009 after failing to pay $6.2 million in taxes – something he swiftly blamed on his business partner. With his finances in ruins, the actor has seemingly said ‘yes’ to every film role he has been offered, meaning his filmography is as awful as his bank balance.
Mike Tyson
Tyson spanked his $30million fortune on mansions, cars, and even a pet Bengal tiger – but he did not seem too distraught by the situation. In May 2010, Tyson told the hosts of The View: ‘I’m totally destitute and broke. But I have an awesome life.’
Kerry Katona
You’d think she’d learn after going bankrupt in 2008. Back then she pretty much lost everything – her home, her Iceland contract, her magazine column, her MTV show… but she managed to claw things back and even fronted a TV advert for short loans company Cash Lady – without expressing any irony. But things went wrong again this week and the star has found herself bust again, but she’s trying to keep upbeat. ‘No matter what life throws at you, hold your head high and know you’ve done your best!!’ she said on Twitter.
Shane Filan
The Westlife hunk was wise with his money, investing in property while his band were soaring in the charts. But the financial downturn and property crash meant his portfolio was worthless by 2012 and he was forced to file for bankruptcy to settle 23million euro debts.
Kelly Rutherford
No XOXO’s here for the Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford. Her character Lily van der Wooden lived a life of luxury in the affluence upper east side of Manhattan in the hit show – but real life has not been as kind as the actress turned bankrupt in June this year. Her tale is sadder than more careless stars, as Kelly actually lost her fortune in a bitter legal battle with her husband as they divorced and fought for custody of their two children.
MC Hammer
Everything was peachy for MC Hammer in the early nineties – with a successful music career and an animated TV show. But when his popularity dwindled, so did his cash reserves and he was bankrupt by 1996 thanks to a $13million debt.
Joe Swash
Tax bills ruined former EastEnders star Joe Swash. First declared bankrupt in 2009 when he owed the tax man £120,000, he found himself in trouble again earlier this year when he was £50,000 behind with his bills.
Lindsay Lohan
With her near constant legal troubles, it’s no surprise that she has ended up spending a pretty penny on legal fees. Although she’s not officially declared bankrupt, the star has found it difficult to stay above the line in the last year – even resorting to accepting money from Charlie Sheen to keep herself from complete financial meltdown.
Michael Jackson
His extravagance knew no bounds. Million-dollar shopping sprees, a theme park home, and more money than sense. But by the time Michael Jackson died in 2009 he did not have a penny to his name. Although his tragic death was pretty terminal, health-wise, it gave the financial injection the star needed, cash-wise, and his estate is now fully back in the black after fans rushed to buy up his back-catalogue.
Save for the rainy days - sound sultan