It was only a matter of time. As Lamar continues to spiral out of control, Khloe has reportedly given him ultimatum — will it make things better or worse?
After Lamar Odom was arrested for DUI on Aug. 30, a source close to Khloe Kardashian told exclusively that their marriage was on thin ice. And that ice appears to only be getting thinner — a new report claims that Khloe has banned Lamar from staying at their house until he agrees to check into a rehab facility.

Khloe Kardashian’s Ultimatum To Lamar Odom
Khloe laid down the ultimatum after Lamar’s arrest, according to TMZ. She had reportedly previously asked Lamar to go to rehab — a request he denied — but she is no longer just asking.

As long as Lamar continues to be resistant to seeking treatment for his alleged drug problem, Khloe reportedly will not allow him to stay at their house. Khloe’s more aggressive approach was not just spurred by Lamar’s DUI arrest, but also by the fact that he reportedly did not call her or his lawyers after being booked by police.

Khloe and Lamar are currently at an impasse — he has not yet acquiesced to her terms, TMZ reports.

Khloe Kardashian & Lamar Odom’s Unfortunate Back & Forth
This is a total 180 from Aug. 26, when it was reported that Lamar gave Khloe an ultimatum, telling her that if she didn’t let him come home then he would file for divorce. His subsequent arrest has obviously taken any high ground he had away.

But the fact that Khloe and Lamar have come to this cannot be a good sign for their marriage. And after Khloe was being so unconditionally supportive, it must kill her to take a harder approach. But she really has no choice, a source tells exclusively: “Everybody is going to bat for this guy and he turns around and does something stupid like this. I don’t know how much more Khloe can take.”


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    1. Lamar bn making the headlines much recently. Is this a pubLicity stunt? One can never say

    2. Life of the celebrity. This is normal.
